Children's Devotional Bags

Children's Devotional BagsRun—don't walk—to the box next to our bench outside of our church doors on Potomac Street!

Colored bags have children's bibles, a seek and find book, booklet on Lent/Easter, and a "Jesus Loves You" bag with crayons. Geared for our youngest

White bags have an older children's bible, a bible story/activity book, booklet on Lent/Easter, and a "Jesus Loves You" bag with crayons. Geared for Elementary aged kids.

NRSV bibles are in the box too. If you prefer one of those and not a children's bible with pictures/stories, then please switch it out.

Devotional books are in the box too. Just take one per family and share!

More in this category: Ms. Angie's Message for March 21 »