Midweek Announcements for July 6, 2023

Schedule for the Coming Week at Resurrection Church

Sunday, July 9

No Sunday School during summer break.

10:00 a.m. – Worship: Professor James Farwell.

Sunday, July 16

No Sunday School during summer break.

10:00 a.m. – Worship: Pastor Harold Therwanger.

Sunday Supply Pastors

We are pleased to welcome to preside and preach, again, Professor James Farwell of the Virginia Theological Seminary, at our Sunday, July 9, worship service.

On Sunday, July 16, we look forward to welcoming Pastor Harold Therwanger to preach and preside at his inaugural worship service.

Save the Date! Pastor T's Inaugural Worship Service on Sunday, July 16

Pastor Therwanger and his spouse, Ebon Craig Williams, are settling in to the RELC parsonage. The RELC Hospitality Committee has been actively preparing to welcome the Therwangers in anticipation of Pastor T's inaugural worship service on Sunday, July 16. Please save the date and plan to worship with us!

“It is good Lord for us to be here!” Matthew 17:4

Dear Members and Friends of Resurrection,

It is so very good to be here.

Ebon and I have moved into the parsonage and have been getting settled and exploring the area.

I have taken these couple of Sundays at the beginning of July to visit two of our sister congregations and begin to become acquainted with my new colleagues with an eye to partnerships and outreach.

We wanted to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone who worked to prepare the parsonage for us in so many ways.

I am very much looking forward to leading worship and beginning my service as Pastor of RELC on July 16th. I am praying with anticipation that we will have great joy serving our Savior together.

Blessings dear Church! Be talking and worshipping with you soon.

Pastor Harry Therwanger

Traveling Prayer Nights

The Metro D.C. Synod is convening three "Traveling Prayer Nights" on Thursdays, this summer. Each one-hour, evening program will engage participants in prayer, meditation and music. Please see the list of programs here: https://metrodcelca.org/event/traveling-prayer-nights/2023-07-27/

The next "Traveling Prayer Night" will be held on Thursday, July 13, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at:

Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Road
Arlington, Virginia 22202
(https://www.adventlc.us/ - Pastor Alex Stall).

We hope that you will join in!

Share Your Intent to Support Our Budget

Having adopted our 2023 operating and capital budgets, Resurrection’s financial team needs to ensure that our congregation will back these budgets with its generous offerings of support. Please let us know of your giving intentions by answering the Stewardship Committee’s request and returning your Giving Intent response at our Sunday services, mailing it to the church office, or using the online form on the Resurrection website.

You can also choose to have your offering automatically drawn from your bank account on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis with the “Simply Giving” electronic funds transfer program. Just complete an enrollment form and return it along with your giving intent – or schedule a recurring offering using the “Donate” button on the Resurrection website.

Member Information Form

Resurrection is continuing to work on updating its membership directory with the most current, accurate and preferred contact information. Member Information forms are available in the Narthex – we urge each member of the congregation to fill one out and return it to the church office.

Can't make it to church? Watch us Live! Now Livestreaming Worship

To view our 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship service on YouTube live, click on the live worship link on the RELC home page on Sunday mornings during the worship hour and be redirected to the YouTube live stream. The Live Stream will "go live" at 9:55 a.m. on each Sunday morning. To view the service at a later time, go to our YouTube Channel. Click on the videos tab to browse archives of past services. Click on the Subscribe button and create an account to be notified when Live Streams are started or when other videos are added. For any questions, please contact the pastor.

Intercessory Prayer During the Time of Pastoral Transition

During our pastoral transition, we will suspend the compilation of a formal and published prayer list. Our intercessory prayer lists are crafted and maintained by the pastor who receives names and who exercises pastoral discretion and care in relation to those named and those who name them. Without an interim or called pastor to generate and maintain the list and to follow up pastorally concerning those named, an intercessory prayer list would be challenging to maintain with pastoral integrity and sensitivity. That said, each Sunday’s prayers of intercession include a petition during which members of the worshiping assembly can call out aloud specific names of persons for whom they would like to pray, and during this time of pause, worshipers can also name persons in the silence of their hearts and minds. Please be assured that your prayerful intents and those of the whole worshiping assembly are heard by God.

Pastoral Care for Emergencies and Other Needs

Pastor Alex Stall of nearby Advent Lutheran will be taking over to be on call for members of the congregation to contact in case of pastoral emergency and other pastoral needs beginning in March. He may be reached at: (703) 571-7010, (301) 793-4133, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Other Announcements?

Alexandra Mattson, the editor of our now quarterly Steeple Light newsletter, is now also serving as the editor of our Weekly Announcements messages, working closely with Council President Leslie Nolen. If you have any items that you wish to communicate in the Weekly Announcements as committee chairs or those responsible for other ministry initiatives at Resurrection, please send them via email to both This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by late Wednesday mornings for inclusion in the message for the coming Thursday. Thanks!