Midweek Message: “Music at Resurrection Returns this Saturday”

Midweek Lenten Series:

Our Midweek Lenten Program via Zoom continues this coming Wednesday, March 23 at 7:00 pm with a brief service of the word featuring readings from the daily lectionary which complement our Sunday readings. Following worship, Norm Olsen will offer reflections and engage in conversation with you on how global travels and work have expanded his views of both Christianity and the church. We’ve been hearing about some enriching experiences from those who have offered reflections, and in subsequent conversation, participants have also shared some of their own international experiences of Christianity and the church. 27 persons Zoomed in this past Wednesday – please join us this Wednesday as part of your Lenten discipline.

A Zoom link for this service will be sent out via Constant Contact. If you do not currently receive our Constant Contact messages but wish to do so, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The worship bulletin is also available here:

pdfLenten Midweek Worship Bulletin for March 23, 2022

Finally, here are the other Resurrection members who will offer their reflections for the remaining Wednesdays in Lent: Gordon Lathrop on March 30; and Mimi VanPoole on April 6. Many thanks to them for their willingness to hold forth.

“Music at Resurrection Returns this Saturday”

Dear Friends in Christ:

This coming Saturday, March 26 at 4:00 pm, a compelling tradition of our congregation returns after a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic – Music at Resurrection. Our church has a long history of an excellent music program, and the Music at Resurrection series has been an important feature of our music ministry.

Entitled “New Songs for a New Season: A Hymn Festival,” our gathering this coming Saturday will feature songs and texts new to us that are included in the hymnal supplement, All Creation Sings, which is now included in our congregational repertoire and from which we draw for congregational singing on Sundays. Recent decades have seen a flourishing of new songs and new texts for Christian worship. Many of these songs come to us from across the world, giving joyful expression to the global extent of the church. Others are new texts set to familiar tunes which feature voices not previously heard in congregational song. Still other hymns give attention to current theological concerns such as care of creation and honest lament. Represented will be songs and hymns from South Africa, Pakistan, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Korea, and Indonesia, along with North America and Europe. Texts written and tunes composed by women will also importantly be featured.

This hymn festival is an important step in living into one of our shared visions for congregational life and that is to have our worship and music reflect more fully the global extent of Christianity and the church. Led by the choir of Resurrection Church under the direction of Barbara Bulger Verdile, our Music Director, the hymn fest this Saturday promises to be lively and to give expression to theological and spiritual concerns relevant to our current time and circumstances. Each song will be introduced by a brief narrative which places the text and tune in context. The program will last about an hour and will be followed by a wine and cheese reception in our parish hall.

In addition to a goodly number of our congregation members, we hoped to be joined by folk from other Lutheran congregations in the Metro DC Synod, as All Creation Sings has not yet had a formal introduction in our Synod. I hope that you will join us this Saturday afternoon for good and inspiring music and the occasion to socialize after. Add this to your Lenten discipline as well!

My thanks to Barbara and our choir, our Worship and Music Committee under the leadership of Cindy Reese, as well as the Music at Resurrection Committee now under the leadership of Cathy Carr. These persons and committees have had a significant share in planning this event.

May God in Christ bless us as we lift voices in song,

Pastor Jonathan Linman