From the Youth Director
We had this wild idea that a One Room Sunday School model was needed here, and we envisioned a forum that would combine a connection to liturgy, prayer, relevant topics, and meaningful relationships. So, in March, we co led the first One Room Sunday School and accompanying Parent Forum, and then again in April, and May, and most recently in June. Except that this time, we took One Room Sunday School one step further, and we co-led a space that incorporated adults into the start of Sunday School before breaking up separately.
Inspired by Pentecost, we used that opening time for prayer. Body Prayer. Silent Prayer. Lectio Devina. Prayer that involved physical objects and invoking the Spirit. Accessibility for the four year old, and the 13 year old, and the adult, who could each engage meaningfully in a common experience of God.
What has emerged in my discussion with caregivers is that they strongly desire for their children to feel anchored in their faith, and they envision supports in place that allow them to do that better. With this as a basis, I designed June’s Parent Forum to look at three aspects of Pentecost: Listening, Bearing Witness, and Recognizing Revelation.
Around these concepts, Angie and I designed activities accessible to children, youth and adults that emphasized our attention to the Holy Spirit’s presence, and more significantly, how we can teach ourselves to share control with God, to give it back with trust.
As Angie and I look to the Fall and engage in our strategic planning, we are taking lessons from this ministry initiative, and allowing it to further inspire us. We are emphasizing a trust in the Holy Spirit and a commitment to Intergenerationality in our setting of priorities and our use of resources.
Recognizing our high school seniors of the class of 2020!
SOUPER Bowl Sunday
RELC’s 2019 SOUPer Bowl Sunday FUNDRAISER event on February 3 was a big success! $478 was raised to benefit the National Youth Gathering trip to Minneapolis, MN in 2021.
Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.
The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering is being held in Houston, TX (June 26—July 1) and the theme is “This Changes Everything.” Our primary scripture will be Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”