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For Dust You Are and To Dust You Shall Return

My birthday is February 14, Valentine's Day. This year it was also Ash Wednesday. I don’t normally think about the full circle of life on my birthday, however this trio had me reflecting quite differently this year.

We don’t know the time for when we will be born and we don’t know the hour when God will call us home. It just happens, in His time. What we decide to do during that time is what matters most.

Lent is a time for us to re-evaluate our lives. How do we spend our days? Are we following the ways of the world or are we following the one who can make an eternal difference; the one who can breathe life into death?

As we live our daily lives, even through all of our brokenness, God gives us hope, God gives us joy. God shines light into our darkness.

Why would our death be any different? When we return to dust, Jesus’ Resurrection is what gives us hope that we will have life after death.

We are nothing without Christ, for when we return to dust, Jesus is our only hope.